#PJJG fanfic
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perseusjackson-jasongrace · 2 months ago
new fic: i’m a brat before the bloodstorm comes
Jason hears some noises from the Poseidon cabin and goes to make sure its only inhabitant is unharmed. Luckily Percy isn’t. But it doesn’t stay that way for long. Not if they can help it.
(lord I swear I’m getting worse at summaries! this is not even that deep they just be biting each other like feral animals. I love them)
(inspired by @/t1oui’s excellent post on tumblr which is linked in the beginning notes)
beginning notes
hello sweet angels! first fic of 2025!!!!! squish!!!!!! happy new year <3 I hope it’s peaceful <3 I hope it’s chaotically good <3 I hope joy is the easiest thing to come by <3
this fic was prompted by the EXCELLENT ‘jercy chew each other’ post from @t1oui
this is A LOT more than chewing. they go absolutely ham on the biting and the blood but I really can never be normal about these feral wolf boys who are more creature than human so who is even surprised this went insane? probably no one!
speaking of being unsurprised…yep you guessed it this is not edited at all. I literally haven’t even read it over. I wrote the last line and immediately pressed “new post” on ao3 so if you see mistakes? make a wish! it’s the new year AND love month sooo soon! it’ll defs come true <3
bora bora by AP Dhillion and Ayra Starr // waste it on me steve aoki and bts // new drop by don toliver // all night long by thuy and lil kev
title is from stuck by 82major (the vibes of this song don’t fit the fic vibes in terms of beat but I could not pass up on the perfect lyrics so you can listen to this in conjunction with the fic if you want but it doesn’t quite fit hence the reason it’s not in the song list)
content warnings
blood // biting
okay I love youuu thank you as always for being here <3
(ps. what the fuck is going on with the normal link posts tumblr?)
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perseusjackson-jasongrace · 8 months ago
Percy chucks his backpack on the floor and whatever is inside clatters like a storm in a bottle.
Jason looks over, a frown already creasing his brow, “Pers…” He looks up at the boy before him, casually laying out the tattered grey fabric they’re deciding to call a picnic blanket— even on its best days the camp store offers little in the way of wholesome entertainment. “What exactly did you put in that backpack?”
“Picnic stuff.” Casual reply as he flops down, spreading himself out like a melted snow angel.
“Yes…” Jason places himself down next to his boyfriend, confusion and burning curiosity making art work of his expression. “But what exactly is ‘picnic stuff’?”
Percy puts a hand up, creating a shadow over his eyes so he can look at Jason. “Well, you know i can’t cook, right?”
“Mhm yes, although picnic stuff doesn’t typically require cooking persé, more like ingredients, but go on.”
“So i ended up bringing plates and cutlery from the dining hall.” He grins, bright and clear as he stares up at his world.
Jason falls into disarrayed silence. One beat. Another. A third for good measure.
He looks at Percy. At the black backpack holding down a corner of the blanket. Back at Percy.
“You uh…” He tries to form coherent understanding. Fails miserably. “You brought the stuff we eat off of instead of the stuff we eat?”
“Yep.” Biggest smile in the world. Those green eyes shine like afternoon sun.
“I know you’ve just returned from a quest with Grover, but surely you understand demigods can’t eat plates? We are not so satyr-fied.”
Percy squints at him, looks to his backpack, bursts out laughing. His body folds in half with the pull of his amusement. Shaking like the leaves hanging over them in this little grove.
“I didn’t expect us to eat the plates Grace.” He gasps, tears pooling at the corners of his eyes as he attempts to control himself, Fails miserably. “They’re the magic plates from the dining hall–“ He pulls them out of the bag, laying them out before their folded bodies. “I figured we could just wish for what we want.”
“Oh.” Reddened cheeks, redder ears staining that pretty skin. “Does it work if we’re not in the dining hall?” Cleared throat. Swift recovery. Stumbling straight into giggles.
“I actually don’t know.”
“What will we do if it doesn’t?”
“I know what i’ll be eating.” Smirk straight into his heart. Troublemaker in 3…2… “You!” Percy laughs as he tackles his boyfriend to the ground and presses kisses into all the curves and angles of his face.
“Pers!” Jason laughs moving his face away from the soft attack even as he holds that waist so they don’t separate.
Turns out the dining hall doesn’t have a long-range setting.
What a picnic indeed. Fails joyfully.
Jason and Percy having a romantic picnic but neither of them know how to cook for shit, so Percy just packs some tableware from CHB so they get free food
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yaoiqueenb · 4 years ago
by perseusjacksonjasongrace
Yuuji is in love with his best friends, but he hasn't told them because the right opportunity hasn't presented itself.. in four years. Maybe opportunities aren't given but created. Maybe lavender moments must be taken, not sought. Maybe it's time.
(okay i tried to give some coherent summary but this is just yuuji being in love with fushi and nobara for like 2.5k words. he's such a fucking simp lmao)
Words: 2509, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime), 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Itadori Yuuji, Fushiguro Megumi, Kugisaki Nobara
Relationships: Fushiguro Megumi/Itadori Yuuji/Kugisaki Nobara
Additional Tags: The Trio - Freeform, pjjg fanfic, jjk - Freeform, Polyamory, okay listen i just fucking adore these three and i cannot handle that fact at all, Working Out My Feelings Through Fic, please enjoy, this was so fucking self indulgent lmaoooo, Alcohol, yuuji is so whipped lmaooooooo, and as oblivious as ever when it comes to other peoples feelings towards him, i swear my himbo child is a different breed of madness, i love him okay shut up, also this technically isn't canon, like i dont mention curses and sukuna doesn't feature, but like none of it was necessary to mention anyway, i dont know babe just read it if you want, its honestly just yuuji going "theyre soo pretty" for like 2k words
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perseusjackson-jasongrace · 4 months ago
Maybe it’s a bad idea to have a crush on your boss. And to get drunk. And masturbate to the thought of him. Maybe Percy should have thought this one through. Phoned a…friend…Or maybe that’s what gets him into trouble in the first place.
(oh when am I ever going to get good at summaries? it’s been 11 years and I still haven’t found a way to make the big words small o_O) (thanks for loving me anyway!)
beginning notes
oh my god wait guys?? TWO FICS IN ONE MONTH?? even im astounded. apparently waiting at cricket matches is very good for the writing demon? (I don’t know how that works) (you know my demon is a brat that does whatever it wants and I just obey) (don’t look to closely at that statement)
anywaayyyyyyyyyy here’s what you should know about this fic:
1. as per usual it is not edited because my phone was literally on 2% while uploading this AND I’m late for my japanese lessons!! If you see a mistake? Make a wish! they all come true because it’s monsterfucker pride month and I said so!
2. here’s a whole ass playlist of toxic love songs that helped write this fic because I fucking love songs that sound like they’re ruining the meaning of love and making you crave things you can never walk away from.
title is from nasty by zeina (it’s in the playlist)
content warnings
Explicit sexual content
Phone sex (to like some degree)
Unaware indirect voyeurism
I think that’s all. If I think of more I’ll add em.
I love you guys so bad <3 thank you so much for all the love on the last jercy fic! truly you have no idea how happy you make me <3 <3 <3 okay enjoy!
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perseusjackson-jasongrace · 10 months ago
cw explicit content (handjobs)
I am once again thinking about DOM PERCY! and going insane.
what do you mean a scene like this doesn’t play on loop in your brain:
Jasons’s eyes squeeze shut, head pressing into the rough brick as he tries to lean out of this touch, out of this pleasure.
“You say you don’t want it Grace,” Perseus smirks, arrogance dancing on the lilt of his words, “Muttering no over and over again. But this…”
And Jason sucks in a breath as Percy presses hard on his crotch. The relief in that hold is enough to make his eyes roll back.
“This is telling me you’re enjoying what I’m doing.”
Percy nips at his ear, licks a delirious path across the curve of his throat and up into his mouth. Jason moans. Curses himself for it.
They can hear people clattering about on the other side of the wall, spilling out at the opposite end of the dark alley.
They’ve been secluded for some time, but there’s the thrill of not knowing if they’re alone.
Percy latched onto it so fast it made Jason’s legs weak. He’d leaned on his friend for support and it had been the end of their innocent facade.
“Fuck Pers,” He groans, bucks into the hand in his pants, pulls his body further up the wall.
Percy’s voice is rough as it slides through him, taunting, unforgiving. “Don’t act like you aren’t enjoying this, little soldier.”
“Someone could see–“
“Isn’t that what you’re hoping for? Someone to stumble upon us and watch you succumbing to me?”
“Hnnghh” Is his elegant reply. He bites his lip, desperate to stop the pleasure spilling into the night air. Into his captor’s ego.
“Look at you getting hard for me,” Pretty stab at his worry. “Leaking into my palm at the idea of getting caught.”
Jason closes his eyes. Can’t bear to face the reality. He’s getting jacked off in an alleyway while his friends celebrate his graduation just behind the wall he writhes against. And he likes it. Fuck.
“Want to cum?”
“Please Pers.” He’s gasping, morality chasing sunsets three time zones from now. “Please.”
Sickening pride fills up his lungs. “Good boy.”
Percy slants his mouth over Jason’s and swallows his pleasure with a grin.
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perseusjackson-jasongrace · 3 years ago
here is fic!
I hope you enjoy!
I love you <3 okay byeeee
hi my beloved!
can I write a fic using your “long haired Jason” headcanon?
ohhh man. i look forward to seeing it :))
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perseusjackson-jasongrace · 2 months ago
Jason’s just graduated. They’re going out to celebrate. At least that’s how it starts. At least that’s where it could end. Should end. Does it end?
(please note the second part has explicit content but does not directly relate to the fic. therefore i have rated the overall fic as teen and up. reader discretion is advised, especially for the second part).
beginning notes
everybody say thank you to shuffle for playing I need by lithe and sending me spiralling into brainrot so bad it went on repeat for what’s going on 6 hours now, with no signs of stopping. this song is the sole reason this fic exists. so yes I do recommend you have it on while reading the fic. Earphones in. Deafening if you can. Anything if it be so.
Title is from the song :)
Also this was supposed to be spicy but the writing demon wasn’t on board. It was actually supposed to lead into the littlest drabble I have about dom!percy jerking jase off in an alleyway. I posted that on tumblr but I think I’ll make it a part two for this fic, just as is so you guys can see where it was originally leading. Before jase got a little too drunk and I couldn’t make the scene fit anymore. Speaking of drunk
do I even need to put in my disclaimer that this is not edited ? 0_o yall know how full of nonsense I am. If you see a mistake, make a wish for new years!
I love you <3 thanks for being here <3
content warnings
Drinking / Alcohol Consumption
Intoxicated Casual Intimacy
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perseusjackson-jasongrace · 4 months ago
hello angels :) just wanted to say my masterlist is completely up to date. thank you for reading, for loving my nonsense, and importantly for letting me share the weird fucked up little dribbles i get possessed with when my writing demon takes over. you guys make this the most fun thing in the world i adore you unfathomable amounts <3
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perseusjackson-jasongrace · 11 months ago
Perseus Jackson awakens in a sunlit room to his Soldier pushing open his curtains, and his Prince crawling into bed beside him. Bracketed by the devotion he sustains himself with, nothing in the world could peel him from this moment. And nothing will. Not if his Soldier has other plans. Better strategies. A begging desire.
(oh they’re fucking insane. oh i’m bad at summaries but holy fuck they’re insane)
beginning notes
listen okay i was supposed to have finished this a week ago and i only got 500 words in before i just? Stopped. anyway as usual writing demon decided the most opportune moment to pick this up again was at fucking 11pm the night before i have to be up at a reasonable time?! so please love me and also as always if you see a mistake, wish on it <3 it’s past midnight and this has not even had a ‘maybe i should check if this is coherent’ check. (it definitely isn’t. but you love me so let’s ignore that) MWAH!
this is technically another instalment of the percy is a god, jason is a solider, leo is a prince au but as you know because i only ever write one shots they can be read completely separately and have no actual bearing on each other, beyond insane vibes all round because frankly i have never once been normal about these three.
songs for this one:
6 in the morning by yvng jin (hard rec) (title)
kiss & tell by ethan low and gen neo
under the influence (japanese version) by shayne orok and curseino
led me on by jay safari
arms around me jimmy brown
content warnings
Light Bondage (and consequential marking)
Explicit content
Power Play
If i feel like it needs other CWs i will add them in the next few days, but i think this is it for now
okay i love you enjoy <3 <3 <3
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percy isn’t a fan of pools. they’re too still, too artificial . water is not meant to be contained. but he hasn’t been in one for years. and maybe it’s time to see if he’s better at keeping himself in control. at least this time there will be someone there to help him. keep him safe. at least this time, it’s on his own terms.
(I obviously still suck at summaries. 24 years old and I still don’t know how to say the right thing to make people understand what they’re about to read :/ anyway read percy getting into a pool for the first time in years while jason, his safety net, keeps a close and adoring eye on him)(I love them your honour)
(this fic is based off of a headcanon by @/shorlinesorrows. you can find a link to the headcanon and their profile in the beginning notes of this fic).
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holy hell and high waters please understand you are NOT hallucinating yes I AM actually posting something I knooowww even im shocked.
but @shorlinesorrows posted the most gorgeous headcanon about percy hating pools because they are too constricting and stagnant, unlike the ocean, and it made my brain buzz so good I had to do something with that.
and naturally, because I’m me and you guys know that, I made it a whole Moment for jase and pers. because when do I ever give up on the chance to make something about them? exactly never. also naturally, and because it’s me, this is not edited in anyway. if you see a mistake: make a wish! you know they come true MWAH!
anyway I hope you enjoy this, and please be sure to give that headcanon some love over on tumbles. it really is such a brilliant idea!
no content warnings for this one. it’s pretty tame since it’s more about percy than about any actual couple jercy type thing
but of course I have songs so please do check out these if you want a collection of music to listen to while reading this
marine turtle by nct u (title) (almost mandatory to listen to while reading. almost)
somebody by jungkook
leave by straykids
we are by the boyz
still monster by enyphen
wait by dino (because im so proud of him!)
okay i love you enjoy!!!!
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perseusjackson-jasongrace · 11 months ago
okayyyyy it’s done!!!
you know when someone gets bitten by a venomous snake and there’s this old wives tale about how you should suck the poison out? well don’t do that. it’s not safe. but like hypothetically, if percy were to get bitten, hypothetically speaking of course, if he were to get bitten on his dick…would Jason suck it out? well…let’s find out.
beginning notes
okay I have been in the fucking pits with marking but I’ve had this frankly ridiculous idea in my head for the better part of the last week and it was eating away at me so please have whatever this is
and you may be asking me: ciara aren’t you tired of writing oral fixation kinks with the same people? and I will answer you, no I am not tired of it. it is oral fixation not oral sometimes-i-care-ation. also I’ve never done one with just jercy so this is different (I am so delusional). okay thank you for being here I love you.
you know the drill: if you see a mistake, wish on it! I haven’t given this a run through because it accidentally became 3000+ words and I’m honestly too lazy to run through this at 11pm. so you guys are really getting the raw dog version 0_o (I hope I’m not just a fanfic writer to you but also the messiest most disorganised one you read)
songs for this one
understand by MELOH and gist
I don’t know by j-hope and huh yunjin (hobi album hobi album hobi album!!! im so proud of him)
led me on by jay safari
marikit sa dilim by juan caoile, kyleswish, jawz (hard recommend) (title)
content warnings
explicit sexual content // blow jobs // power play // praise kink // hair pulling // choking
I love you forever <3 enjoy!
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“Maybe you weren’t a terrible person, maybe you were just fifteen.“
Jason finds Percy in the weapons room, wondering if the decisions they’d made were the right ones. The best ones. The ones that don’t make him the monster he can be.
(a lovely human on tumblr (@/rosekiller-addict) posted the above quote and said it would suit a jercy conversation so well and I obviously could not agree more. thus this was born!)
(links to their profile and the post are in the beginning notes)
beginning notes
this fic is based on a post I saw from a jercy specialist, aka @rosekiller-addict
this post gave me so much brainrot I saved it in my drafts for when I had the spoons to write and lo and behold that came on 15 Jan at fucking 1am o_o. why is my writing demon like this???
but whatever I love this piece and it’s very emotional and actually not at all like my writing style (in the jittery jumpy all over the place sense). I hope you guys enjoy it anyway!
and im sorry I haven’t replied to comments on my previous fics I will do so so soon I swear!
happy new year, I hope it’s calm, pain free, and full of magic <3
no content warnings for this one but do be warned it’s on the more serious side in terms of conversation. not playful and/or debauched like it usually is.
title is white lie by nct127 and hard recommend listening to that while reading this to enhance the vibes. trust me bro. trust me.
also it’s literally after 1am and I have not given this even one once over o_O. im sorry for my horrible typing please forgive me. If you see a mistake, wish on it!
I love you very much ! bye
end notes
also the part about unclaimed demigods living in a hestia cabin has full and grateful credit to @batcavescolony who gave us that beautiful beautiful idea and a concept I could never abandon even if I was put to death for it.
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perseusjackson-jasongrace · 11 months ago
so if you’re familiar with my writing style you’ll know i tend to use words as visual tools. like if someone
then they definitely look like they’re going down, kind of thing. but there’s other fun things and hidden messages i get to play around with while i’m creating these little visuals and i thought i’d share some examples from my fics over the years
not so random capitalisation
i use capitalisation a LOT in my writing (haha) and it is definitely for emphasis but i also like to focus on specific things with the words to help portray the emotions in the scene.
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in this one, i’ve capitalised some letters in “simultaneously”. But the letters i’ve chosen to capitalise if rearranged a little spell out INSANE.
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gay sex happening here and i thought i was hilarious for capitalising “anal” in the word ‘finally’. sometimes it’s not about symbolism. sometimes i just like to entertain myself.
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the word “roles” is capitalised in ‘troublemakers’ because that’s their roles. lol obvious, but fun
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ah okay this one you’ll see i’ve capitalised the two T’s in ‘torture’ because to me it looked like torture bars. you know those things where they handcuff your hands with a bar in the middle? yea doesn’t it look like a ‘T’?
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mind you there are ways happy accidents (as bob ross says). here my aim was to show the suspension by capitalising the first and last syllables. but that meant the middle syllable ‘pen’ was left lowercase, which is a little ode to percy jackson, who we know carriers a pen as his sword. that was a fun discovery.
hidden messages
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so in this one visually you can probably tell i’m showing the “sinking” happening. but another fun thing is the way i’ve decided to separate the letters. “s i n” are sort of evenly spaced apart and spell out sin (adding to the pleasure they’re about to indulge in) and “ks” sounds (and maybe looks) like kiss.
so in this little visual i managed to show the action (sinking), the theme (sin) and the result (kiss) just from breaking up “sinks”.
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okay so they’re on a motorbike with one sitting behind the other pressed into him and yes i am visually showing their movement by writing gone in this broken way. but also because of the way i split ‘gone’ you can read it as “They’re one.”, cause love and closeness and obsession yadda yadda
this is a dual one
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so here there’s two scenes from the same fanfic, with the first happening at the beginning and the second at the very end. As you can see i isolated the word “nothing” to visualise the nothingness and then also split it apart into “no” and “thing” as well as changed it to read “no king”. (emphasis on percy not needing to be a king while in the arms of his lovers).
and then in the last scene i give him the dialogue “No” and assign it to his title so it again reads “no king”.
in conclusion i love to play around with words, it’s so much fun for me! and while it won’t happen every time (sometimes the capitalisations really are random) (sometimes the visualisations are just visualisations), and sometimes it will be pure accident, i thought it would be nice to show some of my more hidden thought processes behind my (slightly wild) writing.
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as promised, here’s the lil bears being insane and violent <3 because they deserved it <3 as a little treat <3 love them so much
Perseus wakes up to an empty bed. Oh they should never have forgotten the legends. Because they are not ready for all those delightful stories to come to life. And if his Healer is not returned, well, no one gets out alive. If his Beloved is not returned to him, Perseus will welcome the world to a story borne from hell.
beginning notes
oh my god I missed dark percy so bad!!! I love himmmmmm anyway writing demon wanted to write so here we are :) I love december I feel like my brain finally gets capacity to let me go sufficiently insane over my babies. anywaaayyy, you know this ain’t edited <3 if you see a mistake wish on it
songs for this one:
cobain by aleebi (title)
like I do by j.tajor
welcome to the show by crossing rain (oh my god if you listen to them please message me I need someone to talk toooo)
comflex by straykids
chance by rovv
consume by chase atlantic and goon des garcons
arriba by ateez (bruh this album!)
content warnings
okay I love you forever! MWAH! if I don’t get to speak to y’all before the new year, I hope it’s beautiful and gentle and magic. I hope it’s what you need it to be <3
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The gang meet up at a restaurant. They have business to discuss. Things to do. They have to see each other. That's the only way the world stays whole. (who's been writing for 10 years and still can't do summaries? this writer! anywaayy please read the six prettiest demigods you know being all over each other and also terrifying to the outside world I love them)
beginning notes
this is for my jana (@disappearsreappears) who loved the other group (cough polycule cough) fic of these six troublemakers so much. you are everything bright in my universe jana bear <3 I hope you enjoy this (p.s. fun fact the google doc title for this fic is simply "for jana") first thing I've written in like two months LMAO girl????? and my darling pjo readers have beeeeeennnn getting the brunt of my dry spell cause I've written here and there for other fandoms but my pjo writing has been at the lowest possible output this year. UGH I'm sorry my sweet angels, uni life really gives you no time to deep dive into your favourite chaos bears. anyway I hope you enjoy this ! I wrote it in a night and a half, and honestly it's a little loose and if you expect any kind of coherent plot I'm going to need you to lower your expectations to exactly negative one million. but you will find my usual mess of a writing style and good old unedited fun. if you see a mistake, make a wish! they all come true on my birthday i promise MWAH! songs for this one: closer to you by jungkook (title) (FUCK. THIS EXISTS NOW????) yes or no by jungkook (WHAT THE FUCK I CAN SAY THAT WHAT THE FUCK I LOVE THE WORLD) aphrodite by RINI 24/7, 365 by elijah woods guilty by taemin call d by NCT U the weekend by Stormzy and RAYE for us by V (im so normal about this entire list by the way) no content warnings this time. if you think something should be flagged let me know, but i think this is pretty tame so we should be good.
i love you forever, please enjoy!
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perseusjackson-jasongrace · 2 years ago
i neeeeeedddd another leo percy jason update ! i love them sooo much and no one writes about them as well as you :)))))
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ANON!!! I ACTUALLY MANAGED TO WRITE SOMETHING?!?!?!?!?! please be proud of me it’s been so many months 😫 thank you for all your love and support !!! these asks have been in the back of my mind since you sent them…in June….I’m sorry I’m so sorry 😫 but we here now, and I may be offering you a mess but it’s a mess I managed to write which is one step further than I’ve gotten in the last few months😫 (btw thank you for all your sweet wonderful compliments anon they make me so happy always)
Perseus can feel the weight of Godhood digging into his spine. Keeping him tied to a throne. Doing the bidding of those that pray to him. He is exhausted. He needs warmth, a soft place to land. A Soldier and a Prince who know just what to do with him…for him.
(girl? what is this summary? Percy goes slightly insane after using his power and the best way to bring him down is to have Jason and Leo get him naked and *dot dot dot* you know how it is )
beginning notes
anyway um hi everyone I didn’t die I just was not able to write anything for like four months???? yes my writing demon and I have been looking at divorce papers :/ I’m working on couples therapy don’t worry
anywho I started this on the 20th of June? and finally finally got hit with enough inspo and time to finish it.
It’s honestly a mess and I didn’t even know where I was going with it, but when do I ever really know where im going with anything? (side note I am so so bad at directions. please don’t ever ask me to help you find your way if you’re lost)
okay im shutting up now.
I’ve made this work mature cause beyond some veiled handjob action it’s not really that explicit but I might change the label to explicit if I do a reread and feel it needs to be adjusted :)
you already know this is not edited. if you see a mistake, I’m blowing you a kiss MWAH!
title is from: “seven” by jungkook feat. latto
and you should totally listen to: “losing game” by genneo // “love you” by dxvn // “over and over” by rovv and jimmy brown // “love me again” by V (holy fuck I can say that now?!?! sorry I don’t know how to act with layover right around the corner. whatever I’m normal)
I love you! enjoy <3
veiled explicit content // mentions of and play with bodily fluids // canon typical violence
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